Sunday, April 25, 2010

Why not burn it all?

Looking back over all the reason some books were band was ... discomforting because half the reasons were stupid, to be blunt. Bad language, sexual ideas, it has witch craft? Really? What about this? It has witch craft but its not attacking any religion, why pick it up then why burn it, its not attacking anyone, its simply just a fantasy novel. No more no less. Who doesn't dream about having powers? Some people take things to far and i believe that they do it out of fear. People need to open their eyes and minds and see that some books are not promoting witch craft nor are they attacking anyone. They are there for amusement. If witches are such a big deal then why not burn twilight? I looked around and granted maybe i didn't look hard enough but i saw churches burning harry potter but not twilight, Why? Vampires and a girl falling in love with one? Ok so i'm sure one could say that was representational of a girl falling in love with a deamon or beast right? Some people are irrational in my opnion and dont make sense, but thats the world and you must take it as it comes.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 first thoughts

To be completely honest i found this book a little dry and hard to get into at first. However by the end of part one i could tell things were escalating, and this caught my attention. I found it odd that the little girl and her family just went missing. After talking to my group and a few saying that she may not be dead made me wonder if she was. However i still think the government had something to do with the sudden move of the family. When the fire chief was talking to Guy he said that normally they are easy to nip the at the bud at a young age but people like her are rare and dangerous. This i believe shows that the government in Fahrenheit 451 is scared of an educated society. When Beatty was talking about the cradle to school it just shows that they are being controlled at a young age, so this way it makes the people blind and hard for them to resist. Now i see why the woman wanted to burn with her books. It seemed to me it was more than just books but her way of life. Without her books it was like shed have no identity. If you read books it seems to give you a personality, one the government did not like. If you don't read you will not obtain one, like Mildred; just as dead as the firehouses "dog."